Thursday, August 22, 2013

Izzy is flying home soon due to her Mom what I believe is paying for the trip. Is it wrong of me that I am leaning towards not asking for a visit and see if she asks me to get together? It's not that I don't want to see her but I don't want to see her just out of pity she may have for me.

What is the saying if you love something set it free? It seems like we might have one good visit and then one rushed visit. I know I should be grateful for anything that she is willing to give me but I just feel that I end up having to pick myself off the ground after the visits that don't go so well.

I know the answer to this is AM I willing to accept that I might not see her if I go with not asking her and she doesn't ask me. I will probably in the next few days or so write more in my private blog about this subject.

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