Saturday, June 30, 2012

What was going on one year ago?

My son was finishing 5th grade and his school was closing down. I took the finishing of grade school really hard and cried lots. I hugged my husband cause I was sad and then my son hugges us and we made it in the newspaper. The reporter assumed I was sad due to the school was closing and we were listed as my sons Mom and Dad. Boy did that make Dad mad that another man was listed as Dad. If I knew what kind of school year middle school would have brought I probably would have cried all summer long. :) lol

In the beginning, of June, I was blogging about the retreat offer for Mom's of special needs children and I wrote how I was nervous about going. I went and had a good time and already been sent the invite and excited to go again.

I blogged about the neighbor that has been too interested in my son. Nothings changed. I still think she is weird. lol

I learned that my state moved to give access to adoptees to get their OBC as long as the birthparents are not refusing it.

In June, I blogged about my Dad inviting Izzy to a family bbq and how nervous I was about the invite and even happy that she couldn't go. Looking back, I now know it was a really bad idea and know I wouldn't have been able to handle it. Izzy did join our house for a graduation party at our house. It's a mircle what difference a year can make. Not that it didn't stop the drama. Nothing is easy about adoption loss and reunion.

In June of last year, I wrote Izzy's birthfather a letter on this blog. I am not anywhere closer to finding his last name or knowing anything about his whereabouts or anyone that remembers much about him. It's almost as if he was just in my imagination. Almost like the Titanic, right? He lives only in my memories and of course my daughter.

My little sister made me a colloge of quite a few of the photots from my meetings with Izzy. I love that she did stuff like that and Izzy can proudly hang on our wall.

In June, I was starting my 6th ten week session with MELD. I can tell from my writings that things were going badly quite a while before I just frustated enough to really speak up. Honestly, I miss volunteering but also feel relief at not having the every week commitment to MELD. I been thinking of taking the donate button of my blog but I don't have the heart to do it even though I am not trying to get donations for MELD. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't support them if I had donations or the means. It's just not the key focus anymore to run around collecting funds or buying baby clothes.

In June, I blogged about feeling like I had to beg to see my oldest son. He lives with me now and it still sometimes feels like I don't see him enough.

In June, I read Ann of Green Cables and loved the book.

In June, we were doing our summer fun stuff like trolley rides and we celebrated four years of owning our own home. I totally missed the anniversary this year. It was a couple days ago.

In June, of last year, I blogged about disliking my ex's new girlfriend. They are now married and even though sometimes she drives me crazy... I think for the most part that she has been pretty nice and has made things easier at times.

In June of last year, I blogged about an unsolved mystery case of a kidnapped baby. I still depress myself by watching scary stuff. I watched three hours of America's most wanted and was pretty scared afterwards.

Lastly, I didn't really blog about her in the month of June, but we were enjoying having our grand daughter around our house while her parents worked. We still watch her and she is tons of fun and I think having a little girl around has been very good for me.

Hope, I didn't bore anyone. I stole this idea from another blogger.

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