Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I been thinking more about birthmother's day and well I haven't changed my mind. I just don't like it for myself. I could think of a number of reasons that maybe play a part in how I feel.

  • I am not proud of being a birthmom.
  • It's not like I was in an open adoption where I could have seen first hand how my child was doing well.
  • It's not like my daughter's parents treated me like a friend and expressed how happy they were to be my daughter's Mom and Dad.
  • I didn't choose adoption. It was chosen for me.
  • Too much guilt in shame is wrapped in adoption for me to celebrate the day.
  • I don't think most people would even know birthmother's day exists to even remember birthmoms if they could bring themselves to bring it up.
  • I don't need a special day to think of my child lost for adoption because I think of her everyday.

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