Thursday, December 30, 2010

That is all of the gifts that was bought with mostly money raised from donations. I want to thank everyone one more time for the donations. I could have never pulled that off without you. Buying the gifts and wrapping them and imagining the looks on the childrens' faces was part of my joy this Christmas season. I hope my sons learned about giving and not thinking so much about receiving. I hope they start to really be thankful for what they got knowing that some children have much less. Thanks again for all the support. I will leave the donate button up should anyone ever feel like they would like to give to MELD but I won't really be asking. Also, please don't think that because I talk about MELD that I am hinting around for it. I know that I will still support MELD and still talk about it. It's been a big thing for me. It has helped me feel like I am doing my part in keeping young Mom's and their children together.

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